Kato Apartments


Intro To Sewing With Bianca Wilson
INTRO TO SEWING WITH BIANCA WILSON (8 weeks) | Wednesdays 5-7 p.m., January 24 – March 13. In person at the Arts Center. $160. Minimum enrollment: 3. Maximum: 5. Join local tailor/seamstress/costumer Bianca Wilson for some very beginner-friendly steps into the sewing world. In this course we will learn about different parts of the sewing machine, their functions, and how to troubleshoot. Also included are spotlights on basic seams and finishes, darts, zippers (don’t worry!), buttons/buttonholes, basting, and gathering. Register here.
Open Knitting
Open Knitting takes place every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1:30-3:30 p.m.! Bring your project(s), make progress, make new connections with fellow knitters. Guidance is available from for experienced knitters, for a small ($.25 minimum, $5.00 maximum) donation to the Arts Center. Sometimes located upstairs in the Community Studio; sometimes in the wheelchair-accessible lower gallery; sometimes outdoors, weather permitting! For indoor knitting, participants must be masked and observe 6' social distance, including seating. Chairs and tables are available; knitters are responsible for set-up and tear-down.
Sexual Violence Support Group
Posted by: CADA Committee Against Domestic Abuse
Turtle Creek Nursery and Landscaping
Kato Web